Snaplet supercharges your development workflow by giving you production-like data that you're in control of
This is how:
Do I have access to data?
Snappy, the cute Snaplet cat mascot is smiling while working on a computer
Do I have access to data?
An image of a postgres production database
Snappy, the cute Snaplet cat mascot is smiling while working on a computer
An illustration of a database schema
In image that shows how a config is controlled
Snapshot: {
Generate: {
Select, subset, transform and copy data into a snapshot
Select or exclude data to copy.
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Smaller snapshots are faster and less data is easier to work with. You can capture a defined subset of data in your snapshot.
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Automatically transform sensitive values like names, email addresses and phone numbers to make your snapshot safe to share.
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Snaplet automatically generates data based on your schema
Using Typescript, you tell us just the parts of your schema you want to see generated.

We'll use AI to generate data matching the types and names in your schema.

Any related data needed will be generated automatically.
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Snappy, the cute Snaplet cat mascot, is whistling
Snapshot: {
In image that shows how a config is controlled
Seed: {
Select, subset, transform and copy data into a snapshot
Select or exclude data to copy. Read more
Smaller snapshots are faster and less data is easier to work with. You can capture a defined subset of data in your snapshot. Read more
Automatically transform sensitive values like names, email addresses and phone numbers to make your snapshot safe to share. Read more
Snaplet seed automatically creates data based on your schema
Using Typescript, you tell us just the parts of your schema you want to see generated.

We'll use AI to seed data matching the types and names in your schema.

Any related data needed will be seeded automatically.

This is the quickest and easiest way to try out Snaplet! Read more
Snappy, the cute Snaplet cat mascot, is whistling
An illustration of a snapshot
Snapshot data
"A better database dump"
-> Try Snapshot
An image that illustrates the generate concept
Generate data
"A better seed script"
-> Try Generate
an illustration of production-like data
Snaplet Snapshot is a safer and better database dump. Exclude, subset and anonymize sensitive information in a snap
Snapshot data
"A better database dump"
-> Try out Snapshot
an illustration of production-like data with arrows pointing to it
Snaplet Generate is a better seed script that uses generative AI for relational data.
"A better seed script"
-> Try out Seed
Now that you have production data you can restore it in your development environment via the Snaplet CLI
To install the CLI
npm install --dev snaplet
a copy icon
An image of a local development environment

Local development environment

Restore to your local development database.
An illustration of a test and preview environment

Test & preview environment

Get isolated deployment environments with unique, isolated databases for each preview deployment.
An illustration of a CI/CD environment


Automate your CI/CD development infra-structure requirements with Snaplet. Seed is perfect for end-to-end testing. Use GitHub Actions to automatically restore snapshots to your target environment.
Now that you have production data you can use a Snaplet Client to restore it in your development environment
An illustration of a CLI
CLI or VS Code
VS Code logo
An image of a local development environment

Local development environment

Restore to your local development database, or use Snaplet's VS Code extension for a managed developer database.
An illustration of a test and preview environment

Test & preview environment

Get isolated deployment environments with unique, isolated databases for each preview deployment.
An illustration of a CI/CD environment


Automate your CI/CD development infra-structure requirements with Snaplet. Use GitHub Actions to automatically restore snapshots to your target environment.
To install the CLI
npm install --dev snaplet
a copy icon
– OR –
VS Code Extension
Not sure which flow is right for you?
Case 1: You have no data (e.g. very early stage startup)

You don’t have any data for it to be valuable to code against, use Seed.

Case 2: You have existing production data, but no access to it

You are interested in ways of getting better development data, but don't have or can't give Snaplet access to production, use Seed.

Case 3:You have existing production data, but it contains sensitive info

You are interested in ways of getting better dev data, but cannot /or do not want to risk exposing sensitive data, use Seed.

Case 4: Has existing production data, can access it, want to copy it

If it is more valuable to you to code against realistic data from your production database, and you're able to risk making use of production data, try Snapshot.