No data? No problem!

Use AI and your schema to easily seed your database with production-like mock data for local development and testing.

Automated values

Snaplet Seed introspects your schema and automatically determines the values in your database, so you don’t have to. If you have specific data to define, you can do so using Typescript. Our default data automatically adds necessary built-ins, like country lists, currency codes and more.
Snaplet Seed automatically determinines the values in your database
Snaplet Seed automatically creates relational entities

Automated relationships

Snaplet Seed understands both your database structure and its relationships, and automatically creates relational entities so you don’t have to keep track of IDs in one table when you’re defining values in another.

Type-safe by default

Snaplet Seed creates a TypeScript client based off your database structure. Values are safe, and soft documented. You have the full power of the Typescript language and the rich node.js infrastructure when seeding production-like data and defining data values.
title: ‘Why you need seed’,
User: {
email: ‘’,
// Create 3 comments linked to post
Comment: (x) => x(3),
Snaplet Seed uses Copycat and all data generation is fully deterministic

Deterministic data generation

Snaplet Seed uses Copycat for its data generation functions, and all data generation is fully deterministic. That means if you use the same inputs, you'll always get the same data outputs. That makes great for consistent development.

Built-in integrations for popular relational databases

Snaplet Seed seamlessly fits into the developer workflow with built-in integrations for PostreSQL, SQLite and MySQL. Go from an empty database to one filled with realistic-looking data in 3 minutes or less.
Snaplet Seed supports PostreSQL, SQLite and MySQL.
Snaplet Seed AI is a supercharged, AI-enhanced version of Snaplet Seed

Snaplet Seed  AI

Snaplet Seed AI is the supercharged, AI-enhanced engine of Seed.

With Seed AI, we use an LLM to supercharge Copycat's outputs, which results in highly realistic data, based on your schema and data relationships.

You can also use the Snaplet cloud client to refine your AI-generated data to your exact requirements.

Snaplet Seed AI is in beta, and requires a free Snaplet cloud account to use. We'd appreciate your Seed AI feedback on Discord!

Our intention is to ultimately implement a pricing model similar to that of our Snapshot product, with both a Pro plan and a generous free tier for hobbyists, small teams, and to test if it's right for you.

Try Seed now!

Seed vs Snapshot?

Creating AI-generated data with Seed is the quickest and easiest way to use Snaplet if all you have is a schema. If you have access to an existing database with data however (like production or staging), you might want to use Snaplet Snapshot instead.

A snapshot is similar to a data dump, but smaller and safer as sensitive data is automatically anonymized. If you need help figuring out the best solution for your use case, chat to us, and we’ll gladly assist.

->Read more about Snapshots  
- OR -  
->Create your first Snapshot!
Snappy is wondering if they should use generate or snapshot